Fin Heater

Fin Heater


แรงดันไฟฟ้า (Volt)
วัตต์ (Watt)


Type of tube SUS 304
Tube Size 11.5 mm.
Length 400-1500 mm
Voltage (Volt) 220V
Watts (Watt) 800-3000W

Made to Order
We have standard sizes available in I-shape, U-shape heater, and Rectangle-Fin.

Can be made with brass and stainless screw lock as per user’s needs
Voltage (Volt)  
Watts (Watt)  

Fin Heater can be used in blow-dry in painting, food indurtry, etc. If the fan is also installed, the hot air can be dispersed thoroughly. The fin is designed to send heat out from the heater, protecting the overheat problem and increasing the life cycle of heater as well.

Our Fin Heater is made from stainless steel as main materials so it will not rust or stain through time.

We accept tailor-made into DUCT AIR HEATER as finished product which can be ready for on-site installation.

Product Size Chart
Fin Heater (I-shape) Stainless Steel Tube

        Ø Tube         Length of Tube ่    Fin length        Volt            Watt
       11.5 mm.          40 CM          30 CM          220            800
         50 CM          40 CM            1,000
         60 CM          50 CM            1,500
         80 CM          70 CM            1,800
        100 CM          90 CM      2,000/3,000
150 CM (screw lock)          140 CM            3,000

Fin Heater (U-shape) Stainless Steel Tube

        Ø Tube           Fin         Length of U         Volt            Watt
       11.5 mm.         Circular           35 CM           220           1,500
        Circular           40 CM           220           1,500

Rectangle Fin Heater

      Ø Tube            Fin         Length of U          Volt             Watt
         8.5 mm.         Square           40 CM           220            1,500
          30 CM           220            1,500