Silicone Heater

Silicone Heater


แรงดันไฟฟ้า (Volt)
วัตต์ (Watt)


MaterialsFlexible Silicone mat Flexible Silicone mat
Size 300 x 410 mm. with Thermostat (temperature range 30~80°C)
Voltage (Volt) 220V
Watts (Watt)2 200W

Made to Order (No minimum)

Sizeas desired by users
Voltage (Volt) 110V, 220V, 380V
Watts (Watt) as appropriate to size of heater

Silicon Heater
Special Effects
– The flexibility of Silicone can make the Silicone Heater easily strapped onto any surfaces, esp. round-shape such as drum, tube, and pipe.
– High endurance in any types of chemicals : both acid and base.
– Can be adhered on any required parts because of its small thickness. As a result, it is a good source of maintaining heat in limited working area.
– Highly insulated, as the property of Silicone is not an electrical conductor so no problem of electrical charge.

Product Size

                              Size                               Volt / Watt
                         20 x 130 mm.                            100V 60W
                         20 x 180 mm.                            100V 60W
                         25 x 255 mm.                            240V 100W
                         30 x 200 mm.                            100V 100W
                         39 x 218 mm.                            240V 685W
                         50 x 180 mm.                            100V 100W
                         50.8 x228 mm.                            120V 160W
                         4 x 203 x 406 mm.                            220V 1,200W